Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sunday December 19, 2010

Sunday December 19, 2010. Last Sunday I didn't take Joan out because of all that freezing rain. This Sunday I picked Joan up at around 10:15.

We were headed to the Tim Horton's on Prince of Whales Drive (we have never been to this Tim's). We ordered our usual snack of two teas and a bagel with peanut butter. Today I brought our mugs in with me (since they didn't have a drive through) and we were surprised to see just how much tea we got. Usually when going through a drive through we get our tea in their small cups and then transfer it to our mugs (I think you get more when you buy tea in the cups rather then let them pour it straight into your mug)We stayed in the parking lot to eat our snack before taking off for our drive.

We left and headed towards "Little Italy"; I wanted to show Joan the signs that have been put up in the last year advertising the area. After driving down Preston Street looking at the improvements that have taken place over the past few years we headed to Somerset Street. Taking Gladstone to Bronson we headed north to Somerset where they recently erected an ornate arch advertising "China Town".

We then headed west so we could go to Donna's Express for a sandwich for lunch. After lunch I took Joan home around 12:30.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday December 7, 2010

Tuesday December 7, 2010. Joan had the annual Christmas party at Garden Terrace on Sunday, so I didn't take her out. Her daughter, Kristal, and her husband, Dale and the three kids would be joining her along with Joan's husband Donald.

(Mason, Joshua, Joan and Avery)

So today we're going to a Tim Horton's close by. I picked Joan up at around 10:30 and we headed for the Tim Horton's on Terry Fox Drive. It was an "On the Run" but it had a drive through. We ordered two teas and bagel with peanut butter. Christine was our server.

We then drove down Terry Fox looking for a place to stop and have our snack. As we were driving we noticed a residential area with rather large homes so we looked for the entrance and looked for a spot. We couldn't find the homes we saw from Terry Fox so we stopped at an intersection and ate our morning snack.

After we finished our snack we drove around the area looking for the exit. I remember some of the names of the street and thought we were headed in the right direction when all of sudden I noticed the roof top of a small strip mall and realised that just fifteen minutes ago Joan and I were just behind that strip mall having our snack; we were driving in circles. We pulled in and asked for directions.

We finally got out of the residential area and headed for the Scotia Bank Place ans when we got there we asked if there was a Tim Horton's inside (according to my list there is) , but the lady we spoke to said "No".

So we pulled over to the side of the road and I phoned Colonnade Restaurant and ordered us a pizza. Before going to pick up the pizza we made a d=turn and went up Edgewater Ave. to take of that Tim Horton's which is an "On the Run" but it doesn't have a drive through so we'll probably not visit it. We got to the Colonnade and I went to get the pizza and we stayed in the parking lot and then I took Joan home around 12:15. She was tired.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sunday November 28, 2010

Sunday November 28, 2010. Running late today (was shopping in Ogdensburg yesterday and a little tired today) so I picked Joan up around 10:30. Joan was in a playful mood today and after getting her in the car and putting her chair away, she had locked the car door on me. We have a running joke ; the only thing I ask of Joan when we're out, is that she locks the car doors every time I get back in from whatever it was I was doing that took me out of the car. So when I got back to the car and tried to get in the door was locked, so I un-locked and when I got in Joan was laughing.

We headed to the Ottawa Civic Hospital. We're going to the Tim Horton's in the Heart Institute. We ordered our usual two teas and a bagel, and we stayed in the area to eat our snack.

Then we drove around the neighbourhood just looking a the homes in the area. Later we ended up in the Island Park area and just took a slow drive around to look at the homes in the area.

Around 12:00 we headed to Donna's Express restaurant to order some lunch. When we finished our bacon and fried egg sandwich we headed home, but today we go off the Queensway at Eagleson Side Road and took the long way home.